Red River Campaign

The Shadow Host

Two hosts are mobilized in Fen-Horim. “The Great Host”  and “The Shadow Host”  which task is to take Ilit-Hên is lead by Gringar of Ûr.

Gringar of Ûr (5) 

Ongor appointed Gringar the Urk chieftain as the leader of the Shadow Host.  His clan had been raiding the borderlands for a long time and knew the terrain well. But most importantly, he was a representative and a symbol of the Urk engagement in the campaign due to Dorgohul`s hesitance when it came to the mobilization,

Company Origins

of Urk Crossbow
from Fen-Horim

of Urk Crossbow
from Fen-Horim

of Urk Spears
from Agar-Dom

of Urk Spears
from Agar-Dom

of Wolves
from Ûr

of Wolves
from Fen-Horim