Captain`s Log

“In the cold expanse of the void, we sail as the Emperor’s guardians, seeking truth and vanquishing darkness. Our quest may be perilous, but with faith in the Emperor’s light, we shall prevail. Let this log serve as a testament to our endeavors, guiding our path through the stars. Together, we are the stalwart fleet of Primaris, bound by duty and honor, steadfast in our resolve. In the name of the Imperium, we shall overcome all challenges that dare to oppose us.”

– Captain Cador Tablath, Fleet Primaris.


The Battlefield


Fleet Oposission

Expenditur: 2 Resources


Alert Level


Game start on Alert Level 1
At the start of each new round an ALERT TEST is made. Roll one “red” d10 and X “Blue” d10 where X is the current Alert Level + the number of ships / squadrons under your control.

Roll / Name / Note

0 / Silent mode /
If any of your ships is on special order or has a “Track Token”, add 1 to the Alert Level. All your ships that`s not on special order or has a Track Token must take a Leadership check. The first ships that fails the check receive a “Track Token”.

1-2 / Detection /
  “Warning Tokens” that is within 25cm of one of your ships are moved d6 cm towards that ship or else move it d6 cm towards the nearest ship with a Track Token or else towards the nearest Mission Objective.

3-4 / Standby / All your ships must pass a Leadership check or else receive a Track Token.

5-6 / Initiation / Choose a random Warning Token and move it within 25 – d6 cm of a ship you control that has the most Track Tokens.

7+ / Fleet Engagement / 


A new “Special order”  -Go Dark- : Remove Track Tokens equal to the difference you succseed the leadership check by. Require an operational bridge.


Expenditur: 2 Resources


Fleet Tactics


Defensive Maneuvers:




Aggressive Tactics:

Move- Optimize firepower.
Orders: Concentrate Fire / 

Defensive Tactics:

Evasive Tactics:

Surveillance and Reconnaissance:

Expenditur: 2 Resources


Opposing Fleet


How it works

Expenditur: 2 Resources