
Step 1:    Set Up the Region

Step 2:    Establish Settlements

Step 3:    Create Your Map

Step 4:    Determine Threats

Step 5:    Establish Threat Levels

Step 6:    Place Additional Points of Interest

Step 7:    Note Down Hideouts

Step 8:    Select a Start Point

Step 1 Forging the Gothic Expanse

Set the stage for your Battlefleet Gothic campaign by shaping the uncharted region of your cosmic voyage. Venture far from safety, deep into the enigmatic backwaters. Choose a name, whether ominous or hopeful, for your perilous odyssey, knowing that destiny beckons beyond the stars.

Step 2 Unveiling Stellar Outposts

Delve into the vastness of the Gothic sector’s celestial settlements. Roll a D100 and consult the Battlefleet Gothic Settlement Population Table to determine their classification—spaceports, void stations, or asteroid colonies. Bestow evocative names upon these interstellar marvels, blending familiar locations with a touch of the cosmic.

Next, embark on a cosmic odyssey as you roll on the Battlefleet Gothic Settlement Type Table for each outpost. Unravel the essence of these enigmatic locations—might they be orbital shipyards, hidden research facilities, or ancient star sanctuaries? Your imagination will forge intriguing connections, envisioning orbital academies transforming into bustling trade hubs or nomadic flotillas evolving into formidable void fortresses. Embrace the cosmic enigma that awaits!

Step 3 Charting Cosmic Territories

Engage in the Battlefleet Gothic campaign on a cosmic map, defining your fleet’s celestial region. Custom design a stellar map or borrow one from existing settings. The scale is flexible, as intricate or straightforward as you desire. An alluring map will elevate the game’s allure and excitement.

Begin by marking settlements across the map, wisely spaced for exploration. Leave ample uncharted space for cosmic odysseys into the Wilderness later. Sprinkle 4-5 evocative place names like star systems, nebulae, asteroid belts, or warp routes. These flavorsome details will ease story-building when your voyage commences.

For now, your map is set. As the campaign unfolds, your cosmic explorations will enrich the map with newfound wonders and dangers from the game world. Embrace the cosmic canvas and set forth on your stellar journey.

Step 2

Delve into the vastness of the Gothic sector’s celestial settlements. Roll a D100 and consult the Battlefleet Gothic Settlement Population Table to determine their classification—spaceports, void stations, or asteroid colonies. Bestow evocative names upon these interstellar marvels, blending familiar locations with a touch of the cosmic.

Next, embark on a cosmic odyssey as you roll on the Battlefleet Gothic Settlement Type Table for each outpost. Unravel the essence of these enigmatic locations—might they be orbital shipyards, hidden research facilities, or ancient star sanctuaries? Your imagination will forge intriguing connections, envisioning orbital academies transforming into bustling trade hubs or nomadic flotillas evolving into formidable void fortresses. Embrace the cosmic enigma that awaits!


Create the characters, fleets, uncharted worlds and chose which campaign goals that shape their gripping saga's destiny.


The structure of the campaign is revolves around four stages in which each campaign turn consists of.

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Title: Into the Dark Expanse – A Battlefleet Gothic Campaign Generator


In the cold void of space, where star systems teeter on the edge of forgotten oblivion and cosmic battles rage, lies the unfathomable realm known as the Gothic Sector. Countless light-years from the heart of the Imperium, this mysterious expanse beckons captains of valor and cunning to wage war, forge alliances, and chart a course through treacherous darkness. Welcome to “Into the Dark Expanse,” a Battlefleet Gothic Campaign Generator, where the fate of the sector rests in your hands.

Chapter 1: A Galaxy in Turmoil

Amidst the vast canvas of the Gothic Sector, a tale of turmoil and grandeur unfolds. A tumultuous epoch has dawned upon the stars, and the time has come for stalwart admirals and cunning tacticians to seize their chance for glory. The fabric of the sector’s destiny is woven by the ambitions of countless factions, each vying for dominance and supremacy.

The Imperium of Man stands as a bastion of hope, its formidable fleets sailing with the Emperor’s might in their hearts. Yet, the heretical forces of Chaos, driven by malevolence and the Dark Gods’ whispers, seek to consume all that is righteous. Between these titanic powers lie countless other factions – Eldar corsairs seeking their ancient artifacts, the brutish Ork warbands raiding for plunder, the ancient Necron dynasties reawakening from slumber, and the cunning forces of the Tau, forging a path of unity amidst the chaos.

Chapter 2: Embark on an Odyssey

In this campaign generator, you and your friends shall assume the roles of battlefleet admirals, each commanding a powerful fleet of warships and setting forth on an epic odyssey through the Gothic Sector. Your actions and choices will shape the narrative, deciding the fate of entire star systems and determining the course of the sector’s history.

As you embark on your journey, “Into the Dark Expanse” offers a modular and dynamic experience, inspired by the acclaimed “Five Leagues from the Borderlands” system. Your fleet’s progression will be measured not only by victorious battles but also by the strategic decisions made during times of peace. Trade routes, diplomatic overtures, covert operations, and intelligence gathering – all play a crucial role in your quest for supremacy.

Chapter 3: Unveiling the Campaign System

The “Into the Dark Expanse” campaign generator provides a set of innovative tools and mechanics to facilitate a captivating and engaging narrative. Utilizing a combination of dice rolls, narrative events, and player choices, your fleet’s path will be filled with countless challenges, opportunities, and unexpected encounters.

  1. Character Creation: Assemble your admiral and fleet, customizing their attributes, strengths, and weaknesses.

  2. Sector Generation: Procedurally generate the Gothic Sector, defining its distinct star systems, mysterious phenomena, and potential hidden threats.

  3. Missions and Objectives: Embark on a series of unique missions, each presenting a varied set of challenges, from ambushes and rescues to full-scale fleet engagements.

  4. Resource Management: Manage your fleet’s resources, balancing maintenance, crew morale, and scarce supplies, all crucial for maintaining operational efficiency.

  5. Dynamic Storytelling: Seamlessly weave a narrative driven by your decisions, encounters, and the overall progress of the campaign.

Chapter 4: The Fate of the Gothic Sector

The Gothic Sector awaits its champions. Will you rise to the challenge, steering the course of history and carving your name among the sector’s legends? Prepare to face treacherous foes, uncover ancient secrets, and navigate the stormy waters of the Gothic Sector. Rally your fleet, set your coordinates, and brace for the unknown – for your destiny and that of the Gothic Sector are intertwined, waiting to be written in the annals of the stars.

May the Emperor’s light guide you, and may your fleet emerge triumphant in the depths of the Dark Expanse. The future is yours to shape.

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This is the heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.