Action: Rest Up

Opt for the safe and prudent choice of “Rest Up” when faced with multiple injured characters or damaged ships in need of recovery. Ensure you are in a settlement. No Travel is necessary to provide your crew with the rest , medical attention and reparations of ships they require. As a responsible fleet captain, taking care of your crew’s well-being is paramount in the grim and perilous void of space.


Stellar Flare

“A nearby star erupts with a massive solar flare, causing intense radiation bursts.”

Rule Change: During the game, all ships within 12″ of a star suffer -1 to their armor saves and have their shields reduced by half due to radiation interference.


Dimensional Rift

“A mysterious dimensional rift opens in the midst of the battle, warping space-time.”

Rule Change: At the beginning of each turn, roll a D6 for each ship on the battlefield. On a roll of 1-3, the ship suffers a random critical damage effect due to dimensional instability.


Nebulaic Obscuration

” An expanding nebula envelops the battlefield, shrouding it in a dense cosmic mist.”

Rule Change: All ships suffer -1 to their Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill due to reduced visibility within the nebula. Additionally, torpedo attacks are made at +1 range due to the nebulaic interference.


Gravitational Vortex

” A massive gravitational vortex forms, pulling nearby ships into its crushing embrace.”

Rule Change: At the end of each movement phase, all ships within 6″ of the vortex must pass a Leadership test. Failure results in the ship being pulled 2D6″ towards the vortex’s center. Colliding with the vortex causes immediate critical damage.


Solar Storm Surge

” A massive solar storm engulfs the battlefield, disrupting navigational systems and energy fields.”

Rule Change: At the beginning of each turn, roll a D6 for each ship on the battlefield. On a roll of 1-2, the ship’s shields are reduced by half due to energy fluctuations caused by the solar storm. On a roll of 3-4, the ship’s engine power is halved. On a roll of 5-6, the ship’s communications are disrupted, and it cannot receive orders for that turn.