Red River Campaign


The encyclopedia contain background information about the Riverlands and it`s inhabitants. None of this has any direct impact on how the game is played, but as a resource for imagination in the effort to make the world come alive.


Harûm is a city located on the tropical river coast, where the vegetation is sparse. Harûm grew around river, navigable by small crafts, and is comprised mostly of humans. They are a matriarchal capitalist sophocratic republic that worships many deities, the most common being Hephaestus, whose worshipers make up slightly over a third of the population.

The nearest landmark is a flooded pit quarry; standing neck-deep in the murky green water is the huge statue of a human king, his features fixed in a contemptuous snarl. Birds nest in his nostrils. A population of 7220, the denizens live a modest existence. A lunar eclipse is currently taking place.

Lady Cernin Koti

Government in Harûm

The people of Harûm work in exchange for payment from their employers, which they use to buy the necessities. Affairs are handled by the scholars, the head of whom is Lady Cernin Koti.


Trade is reasonable in Harûm, and people live a modest existence because of it; some taxes are applied to certain goods and services that are rendered in the city, but the more creative entrepreneurs can find loopholes to make a better profit. Welfare is bad. Citizens can expect the bare minimum of death services. Healthcare and education are fringe cases, and citizens would do better to seek a private benefactor than try and receive treatment from the government.

Law and Order

Law in Harûm is reform-based, and those that breach the laws can expect fines, penalties, or work-release programs to provide them with the best possible chance to not become a recidivist. Magic is reserved only for those with a license, which is a relatively simple form to fill out, stating what type of magic you wish to practice, a public liability bond, and whether it’s for commercial or personal use.


  • Scholars Guild
  • Slightly Below Average Sized
  • Rangers Guild
  • Very Small
  • Wizards College
  • Somewhat Small

Scholars Guild (Slightly Below Average Sized)

“The Harûm Knowledge Holders is a scholars guild. It’s well established, and the slightly below average sized faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by power. They are currently recruiting.”


It’s ruled by Ysaiah Grover, who was able to rise to power by completing an ordeal. She is usually competent, and her position is relatively unstable due to internal power struggles. Bribes will be bargained about.


Members of The Harûm Knowledge Holders are identifiable by the ring that members are given. Membership requires referral by an existing member, and costs five hundred gold pieces, provided there’s an empty slot. The initiation into The Harûm Knowledge Holders involves a secret ritual.


They have limitless resources. A significant number of gems are in their proverbial warchest, as are sheafs of magic scrolls, one or two valuable magical weapons, one or two contacts, and a handful of debtors.


The Harûm Knowledge Holders have some strong allies;
A veritable army of artisans and a veritable army of thieves can be called on for aid. The Harûm Knowledge Holders have enemies around every corner; A guild of bandits are rivals. Other enemies include a guild of priests and a guild of commoners.

Rangers Guild) Very Small

“The Altenhogen Animals is a rangers guild. It’s somewhat old, and the very small faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by politics. They are recently associated in allegations of bribery.”


It’s ruled by a board of 8, who were promoted by being the most powerful in the group. They are usually competent, and their positions on the board are stable due to the lack of infighting for the leadership roles. Their meetings are held every ten days, and are are open to members. Bribes to the board will be bargained about.


Members of The Altenhogen Animals are identifiable by the twigs that are strewn throughout their hair. Membership requires some social status, and costs a hundred gold pieces. The initiation into The Altenhogen Animals involves an oath to be taken.


They have limitless resources. A handful of old favours are part of those resources. Also at their disposal are a handful of debtors, a handful of magic scrolls, a handful of magical weapons, and a handful of blackmail material.


The Altenhogen Animals have a handful of trusted allies;
A veritable army of commoners and a veritable army of craftsmen can be called on for aid. The Altenhogen Animals have some enemies; A guild of bandits and a guild of mercenaries are the only that wish The Altenhogen Animals ill.

“The Illusory Faction”
Wizards College (Somewhat Small)

“The Illusory Faction is a wizards college. It’s very old, and the somewhat small faction has an , and is motivated by money. They are recently associated in allegations of bribery.”


It’s ruled by a board of 9, who is the strongest of the group. They are unbelievably incompetent, and their positions on the board are relatively unstable due to internal power struggles. Their meetings are held every third day, and are open to people accompanied by a member. Bribes to the board will be met with laughter.


Members of The Illusory Faction are identifiable by their extreme interest in the oddities of the arcane. Membership requires a display of skill, and costs twenty gold pieces. The initiation into The Illusory Faction involves an oath to be taken.


They have limitless resources. A handful of gems are jealously guarded, as are a fair few favours, a handful of trade goods, a drawer of magic scrolls, and a couple pouches of gold.


The Illusory Faction have a couple trusted allies;
Quite a few politicians are the only others they can rely on. The Illusory Faction have a couple enemies; A guild of seers are the enemies of The Illusory Faction.

Racial Demographic

Harûm is comprised mostly of humans and half-orcs.
