Action: Encounter Enemy Camp

You will come across enemy encampments. As you stealthily approach, the time for decisive action has arrived. These Camps serve as staging grounds and rallying points for your foes, and each one is associated with a specific enemy Threat. While most Camps are known, unpredictable events can render them Hidden, requiring an Adventure Milestone to reveal their location again. Until then, resist placing Hidden Camps on the map or exploring them. When you successfully detect a Camp, prepare for a Camp Raid (found on p.137). Swift and strategic action is vital to ensure your survival and success against these adversaries.


Stellar Flare

“A nearby star erupts with a massive solar flare, causing intense radiation bursts.”

Rule Change: During the game, all ships within 12″ of a star suffer -1 to their armor saves and have their shields reduced by half due to radiation interference.


Dimensional Rift

“A mysterious dimensional rift opens in the midst of the battle, warping space-time.”

Rule Change: At the beginning of each turn, roll a D6 for each ship on the battlefield. On a roll of 1-3, the ship suffers a random critical damage effect due to dimensional instability.


Nebulaic Obscuration

” An expanding nebula envelops the battlefield, shrouding it in a dense cosmic mist.”

Rule Change: All ships suffer -1 to their Ballistic Skill and Weapon Skill due to reduced visibility within the nebula. Additionally, torpedo attacks are made at +1 range due to the nebulaic interference.


Gravitational Vortex

” A massive gravitational vortex forms, pulling nearby ships into its crushing embrace.”

Rule Change: At the end of each movement phase, all ships within 6″ of the vortex must pass a Leadership test. Failure results in the ship being pulled 2D6″ towards the vortex’s center. Colliding with the vortex causes immediate critical damage.


Solar Storm Surge

” A massive solar storm engulfs the battlefield, disrupting navigational systems and energy fields.”

Rule Change: At the beginning of each turn, roll a D6 for each ship on the battlefield. On a roll of 1-2, the ship’s shields are reduced by half due to energy fluctuations caused by the solar storm. On a roll of 3-4, the ship’s engine power is halved. On a roll of 5-6, the ship’s communications are disrupted, and it cannot receive orders for that turn.