Red River Campaign


The encyclopedia contain background information about the Riverlands and it`s inhabitants. None of this has any direct impact on how the game is played, but as a resource for imagination in the effort to make the world come alive.


Dorn is a town located on the arid plains, where the vegetation is sparse. Dorn grew around a road traveled by merchants on the way to another, larger city, and is comprised predominantly of humans. They are a patriarchal feudalist meritocratic constitutional monarchy that worships Chiron, with a slim majority, along with some following Pan.The nearest landmark is a small clearing between some rocks, with three sitting petrified trolls, with horrified looks in their faces. A population of 5330, the denizens live a modest existence. A migration of monsters is currently taking place.

Sir Goodhard Joken

The people of Dorn work the land in exchange for working their lord’s lands. Affairs are handled by the competent, the head of whom is Sir Goodhard Joken


Trade is free in Dorn, and people live a modest existence because of it. There are no taxes or regulations to speak of. Welfare is terrible. Citizens can expect the absolute bare minimum of death services. Healthcare and education are ignored, and those unable to fend for themselves would go hungry if it weren’t for private benefactors.

Law and Order

There’s a decent policing presence, and citizens know better than to step out of line, as The Mace of Dorn are armed. Despite this, brutality is rare, and citizens with nothing to hide have nothing to fear.

Law in Dorn is punitive, and those that breach the laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, fines, or, in rare instances, execution. Magic is not codified into the laws as anything specific, though the local guards would be more likely to treat it as a threat rather than not.


  • “Circle of the Green” Druids Grove (Slightly Below Average Sized)
  • “The Hooke`s Cutpurses” Thieves Guild (Quite Large)
  • “The Hookeborough Hand” Mercenaries Company (Very Large)
  • “Boy Scouts” Rangers Guild (Quite Large)

Guards Watch (Average Sized)

“The Mace of Dorn is a guards watch. It’s quite new, and the average sized faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by money. They are against the current political regime.”

Dorn is policed by The Mace of Dorn, rather than a separate guard. The guard is slightly underfunded, and their equipment sometimes falls into slight disrepair. Their officers are held accountable for their actions, though The Mace of Dorn does not have the funding to perform regular training exercises.
One can recognise a member of The Mace of Dorn by the maroon and light brown livery adorned with an image of a star.

Law in Dorn

Law in Dorn is punitive, and those that breach the laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, fines, or, in rare instances, execution.


It’s ruled by Oriax Torzalan, who was able to oust the previous leadership. He is quite competent, and his position is rapidly disintegrating due to conflicts with rivaling factions. Bribes are a regular part of business.


Members of The Mace of Dorn are identifiable by their love of a good fight. Membership requires referral by an existing member, and costs two hundred gold pieces, provided there’s an empty slot. The initiation into The Mace of Dorn involves a simple form to be filled.


They have limitless resources. Sheafs of magic scrolls are jealously guarded, as are a significant number of gems, a handful of old favours, a handful of contacts, and a handful of favours.


The Mace of Dorn have a handful of trusted allies;
A veritable army of commoners and a veritable army of monks can be called on for aid. The Mace of Dorn have a handful of rivals; A guild of bandits and a guild of thieves are the only that wish The Mace of Dorn ill.

“Circle of the Green”
Druids Grove (Slightly Below Average Sized)

“Circle of the Green is a druids grove. It’s well established, and the slightly below average sized faction has a slightly below average reputation, and is motivated by growth of nature. They are for the current political regime.”


It’s ruled by Pera Hyde, who was the wealthiest of the group. She is very incompetent, and her position is mostly stable due to internal power struggles. Bribes will usually be accepted.


Members of Circle of the Green are identifiable by brown and dirty robes. Membership requires become a druid, and costs twenty gold pieces. The initiation into Circle of the Green involves fight a bear with your bare hands.


They have limitless resources. A handful of artifacts are jealously guarded, as are a fair few favours, a chest of gold, a significant number of gems, of blackmail material.


Circle of the Green have a couple trusted allies;
A few scholars are the only others they can rely on. Circle of the Green have more enemies than one would expect; A guild of assassins are rivals. Other enemies include a guild of wizards, and a guild of assassins.

“Boy Scouts”
Rangers Guild (Quite Large)

“Boy Scouts is a rangers guild. It’s recently established, and the quite large faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by vengeance. They are rumoured to own a powerful artifact.”


It’s ruled by Keenan The Fox, who was promoted by being the most powerful in the group. He is of mild competence, and his position is quite unstable due to internal power struggles. Bribes are sometimes accepted.


Members of Boy Scouts are identifiable by the twigs that are strewn throughout their hair. Membership requires some social status, and costs three hundred gold pieces, provided there’s an empty slot. The initiation into Boy Scouts involves an oath to be taken.


They have limitless resources. A significant number of gems are jealously guarded, as are a crowd of contacts, a significant number of trade goods, a handful of debtors, and a handful of favours.


Boy Scouts have a decent number of allies;
A veritable army of knights regularly assist Boy Scouts. At their disposal, they also have a veritable army of assassins, and a veritable army of craftsmen. Boy Scouts have a handful of rivals; A guild of mercenaries and a guild of bandits are the only that wish Boy Scouts ill.

“The Hooke`s Cutpurses”
Thieves Guild (Quite Large)

“The Hooke`s Cutpurses is a thieves guild. It’s very old, and the quite large faction has a good reputation, and is motivated by fame. They are distrusted by the people.”


It’s ruled by Aemy Hume, who was able to oust the previous leadership. She is quite competent, and her position is mostly stable due to internal power struggles. Bribes will be met with laughter.


Members of The Hooke`s Cutpurses are identifiable by a ring given to every member. Membership requires endorsement by the current leader, and costs three hundred gold pieces, provided there’s an empty slot. The initiation into The Hooke`s Cutpurses involves a secret ritual.


They have limitless resources. A significant number of artifacts are jealously guarded, as are a chest of gold, a fair few contacts, a handful of gems, and sheafs of blackmail material.


The Hooke`s Cutpurses have a decent number of allies;
A veritable army of merchants regularly assist The Hooke`s Cutpurses. At their disposal, they also have a veritable army of knights, and a veritable army of fellow thieves. The Hooke`s Cutpurses have enemies around every corner; A guild of priests are enemies of The Hooke`s Cutpurses, as are a guild of priests, a guild of commoners, a guild of priests, and a guild of priests.

“The Rough Hands”
Mercenary Company (Very Large)

“The Rough Hands is a mercenaries company. It’s very old, and the very large faction has a quite poor reputation, and is motivated by politics. They are recently associated in allegations of bribery.”


It’s ruled by Elama Goltorah, who was able to rise to power by completing an ordeal. He is quite incompetent, and his position is very unstable due to internal power struggles. Bribes will usually be accepted.


Members of The Rough Hands are identifiable by following any order given to them. Membership requires some social status, and costs a single gold piece. The initiation into The Rough Hands involves a simple form to be filled.


They have near limitless resources. Sheafs of blackmail material are jealously guarded, as are a significant number of magical trinkets, a drawer of magic scrolls, and a handful of trade goods.


The Rough Hands have a considerable number of allies;
A guild of nobles will answer a call for aid, as will quite a few monks, a veritable army of thieves, and a veritable army of merchants. The Rough Hands have some fearsome enemies; A guild of bandits are rivals. Other enemies include a veritable army of assassins, a guild of bandits, and a guild of assassins.

Racial Demographic

Dorn is comprised predominantly of humans.
