Red River Campaign


The encyclopedia contain background information about the Riverlands and it`s inhabitants. None of this has any direct impact on how the game is played, but as a resource for imagination in the effort to make the world come alive.


Bafala is a town located in the temperate forest, where the vegetation is lush. Bafala grew around a series of natural springs, and is comprised of humans, with a slim majority, along with some elves. They are an overwhelmingly matriarchal feudalist theocratic constitutional monarchy that worships many deities, the most common being Hephaestus.

The nearest landmark is a statue of a panicked witch in between a fork in the road. A population of 2830, the denizens live a poor existence. An anniversary of an important event is currently taking place.

Matriarch Volina Benari

Government in Bafala

The people of Bafala work the land in exchange for working their lord’s lands. None take responsibility for the stewardship of Bafala, but the holy hold the best semblance of order, the head of whom is Matriarch Volina Benari.


Trade in Bafala is mostly free, with some taxes applied to goods and services rendered in the city. People live a poor existence because of it. Welfare is above average. Citizens can expect a decent education, provided they can pay for it. Healthcare is overtaxed and underfunded.

Law and Order

There is a guard presence in Bafala, but it is more for outside intruders rather than the population inside. Citizens are expected to follow the laws, and those that do have nothing to fear from The Nerharbor Visionaries, who take care of policing matters. Law in Bafala is extremely punitive, and those that breach the complex list of laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, or sometimes public execution. Crime is an ugly stain on humanity, to be punished wherever possible. Magic is outlawed, and guards look for any excuse to put away anyone that looks like a magic user. It is coded into law as a tightly restricted activity.


  • Merchants Guild
  • Slightly Below Average Sized
  • Priests College
  • Above Average Sized
  • Monks Group
  • Average Sized
  • Bards College
  • Quite Small

Merchants Guild (Slightly Below Average Sized)

“The Miserly Collective is a merchants guild. It’s new, and the slightly below average sized faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by glory. They are distrusted by those in power.”


It’s ruled by Avaery Preacher, who was promoted by being the most powerful in the group. He is of mild competence, and his position is stable due to the lack of infighting for the leadership role. Bribes depend on circumstances.


Members of The Miserly Collective are identifiable by the ring that members are given. Membership requires some social status, and costs twenty gold pieces. The initiation into The Miserly Collective involves a simple form to be filled.


They have many resources. A significant number of artifacts are in their proverbial warchest, as are one or two valuable magical weapons, and barely enough gold.


The Miserly Collective have some strong allies;
A veritable army of bandits and a veritable army of thieves can be called on for aid. The Miserly Collective have enemies around every corner; A guild of priests are rivals. Other enemies include a guild of assassins and a guild of commoners.

“The Nerharbor of the Cloth”
Priest College (Above Average Sized)

“The Neharbor of the Cloth is a priests college. It’s somewhat old, and the above average sized faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by knowledge. They are rumoured to be under investigation.”


It’s ruled by Enidda Raulnor, who was democratically elected. She is reasonably competent, and her position is quite unstable due to internal power struggles. Bribes are scorned.


Members of The Neharbor of the Cloth are identifiable by the ring that members are given. Membership requires a display of skill, and costs two hundred gold pieces. The initiation into The Neharbor of the Cloth involves a simple form to be filled.


They have many resources. A room full of gems are in their proverbial warchest, as are a handful of magical weapons, and a couple pouches of gold.


The Neharbor of the Cloth have a considerable number of allies;
A veritable army of fellow priests will help if called upon, as will a veritable army of nobles, a veritable army of bards, and a veritable army of monks. The Neharbor of the Cloth have few rivals; A guild of bandits are the enemies of The Neharbor of the Cloth.

“The Collective of Robes”
Monk Group (Average Sized)

“The Collective of Robes is a monks group. It’s new, and the average sized faction has an extremely poor reputation, and is motivated by vengeance. They are adjusting to a change in leadership.”


It’s ruled by a committee of 6, who were able to rise to power by completing an ordeal involving fasting for over a month. They are of mild competence, and their positions on the committee are relatively unstable due to internal power struggles. Their meetings are held every week, and are held behind closed doors. Bribes to the committee are sometimes accepted.


Members of The Collective of Robes are identifiable by their malnutrition. Membership requires some social status, and costs a single gold piece. The initiation into The Collective of Robes involves a secret ritual.


They have decent resources. A significant number of magical trinkets are in their proverbial warchest, as are a fair few debtors, and one or two valuable gems.


The Collective of Robes have a handful of trusted allies;
Just one fellow monks and a couple knights can be called on for aid. The Collective of Robes have enemies around every corner; A guild of priests are rivals. Other enemies include a guild of bandits, and a guild of artisans.

“The Harmonies of Bafala”
Bards College (Quite Small)

“The Harmonies of Bafala is a bards college. It’s very new, and the quite small faction has a good reputation, and is motivated by fame. They are extremely secretive.”


It’s ruled by Aaro Brenner, who was the first appointed leader. He is very competent, and his position is somewhat unstable due to internal power struggles. Bribes depend on circumstances.


Members of The Harmonies of Bafala are identifiable by their pride. Membership requires an excellent reputation, and costs three hundred gold pieces, provided there’s an empty slot. The initiation into The Harmonies of Bafala involves a secret ritual.


They have limitless resources. A fair few contacts are jealously guarded, as are a handful of debtors, a handful of magical weapons, one or two valuable artifacts, and one or two valuable trade goods.


The Harmonies of Bafala have a handful of trusted allies;
A large number of wizards and more than a couple assassins can be called on for aid. The Harmonies of Bafala have a few rivals; A guild of bandits are the enemies of The Harmonies of Bafala.

Racial Demographic

Befalas is comprised of many different races, with the most common race being human.




God of Knowledge: Helm

God of Life: Sune

God of Nature: Talos

God of Weather: Gond

God of War: Tymora

God of Death: Auril

God of Disease: Azuth

Trickster God: Bane